mercredi 12 avril 2017

Artificial intelligence

Choose a sector - research how AI is being used ?

We choose the f&b sector with Noodles restaurants in China with robots as Chef, named Chef Cui, and robot waiters.

How does AI improve customer:guest experience?

With this example of restaurant, we're sure that all the dishes will be the same since the robot have clear instructions and are automatized. For guests, it is a new experience, it is entertaining and its an unusual way of going to the restaurant. It is also impressive to see how for technology has gone and lets you imagine crazy things. 

What are the issues in implementing?

AI for small, independent hotels:companies It is a very expensive investment at first even though it can be amortized quite quickly. You still need a human in the restaurant in case there is a problem with the robots (maintenance, bugs, etc.)

Robots - do they have a role in guest service - yes, why: no, why not?

Yes, they are the ones interacting with the guests. They do almost everything a human waiter does.

How does AI impact jobs - skills In the F&B industry?

it impacts jobs in a bad way since humans are being replaced. But it also creates other jobs in maintenance, engineering and the creation of new robots.

Your opinion - AI - good or bad for the industry - why?

As every technology, robots are both good and bad for the industry. They should be used carefully and not replace completely humans, especially with an era where people are seeking more and more human touch. For directors, it is worth it since costs are smaller and amortized quicker.


To my mind, I am not really interested by this new type of service as I don't want to be a super connected person.

Indeed, I already find that I have the right informations at the right time. Therefore I don't need to have an additional service to extend the time that I pass on my phone or computer.
Then, I am not a big fan of downloading applications so that this service couldn't be useful for a person like me.

mercredi 5 avril 2017



The idea is to deliver masterclass of cuisine to hotel guests in order for them to learn french recipes and improve their cooking skills.

Masterclass are delivered by local people directly at their houses as guests are totally implied in the local experience.

Besides, it is also a way for the hotel to increase its revenues by proposing this new service. Indeed, guests are paying a package comprising the choice of the recipe, the date and the location to the hotel which is reversing a percentage to the local teacher at the end.

Then, guests are able to share their experience on social medias such as Instagram, Facebook or Pinterest by putting photos or videos of their experiences.

Finally, it is true that this new local experience is a trend nowadays and that is why the hospitality industry needs to focus on the cooking aspect of a guest's stay.

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The goal is to create survey and obtain answers to it.
Thanks to surveymonkey, you are now able create and send survey very easily to everyone.
You can use this tool when you want to create an opinion survey or a market study.

It is really simple and userfriendly as you can extract data and analyse it directly on excel.

mardi 21 mars 2017




The hospitality industry should develop co-branding with new technologies businesses to create non traditional collaboration and enhance actual and future guests.
Indeed, by developing new and different ideas and services, hotels should find way to impress the guest.
The main point is to create emotions by being unique and creating outstanding memories. On the other hand, it is also a good way for hotels to generate additional revenues.

mercredi 15 mars 2017

Augmented reality / Virtual reality

Augmented reality is a new technology which make existing reality more meaningful by interacting with it.
It is working with application and are often used on mobile devices to combine different digital components into the real world.

Virtual reality is more artificial and is working thanks to computer generated simulation of the real life. It could work on an special situation or environment where the user is experiencing a simulated reality by its vision or hearing.

Both are not very similar because they are working with inverse reflections. Indeed, augmented reality is giving virtual elements to users as an overlay to the real world and on the other side virtual reality offers a digital recreation of a real life setting.


Google cardboard is a virtual reality Platform created by Google to use with a smartphone device. It is a new system developed to increase interest and development of virtual reality
Users can either build their own viewer from simple, low-cost components using specifications published by Google, or purchase a pre-manufactured one.
It seems to be very playful because it enables users to discover virtual reality potential at lower costs.

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lundi 23 janvier 2017

mercredi 18 janvier 2017


The responsive web design is a new way to develop contents self-adaptable according to the device you are using.
Indeed, if you are using a computer, a smartphone or a tablet, the image or the website you are consulting can be resized to adapt itself to the screen as well as the organization content which is automatically adapted also.

  • Hotel site that fits mobile criteria :

  • Business site I will convert to mobile :  Deliveroo

lundi 16 janvier 2017


Customer Purchase path

We decided to compare Marketing channels for Small and large business in the Beauty and Fitness industry in Franche and in the UK.

  • For large businesses in the Beauty and Fitness industry in the UK, the customer Journey is longer and very different. Indeed, there is 9 channels before the purchase. Rather than, in France, for small businesses there is only 6 channels.

Then, there are some steps in the customer journey that don't appear in the second one. For instance, social, Organic search and display click do not appear for small businesses in France.

Besides,the organization is not the same. For large businesses in the UK, Organic and Generic paid search are working together at the same time and Email and Brand paid search also.
On the other hand, for small businesses in France, Referral, Generic Paid search and Brand paid search are working together and at the same time.

As a conclusion, we could analyse that it is more complex for large businesses in the UK to make the customer purchase as he has to pass by much more different steps than for small businesses in France.

dimanche 15 janvier 2017

Customer journey to online purchase

Google has launched in 2013 a new tool which enable to understand and analyse customer's journeys with large, medium or small business and through a range of industries.

It is a good way to understand the different steps of a customer's visit and how he acts through different marketing channels which influence his online purchase décisions.

The different stages in the customers path are :
1) Organic search
2) Generic paid search
3) Brand paid ssearch
4) Social Referal
5) Display click
6) Email
7) Direct
8) Shop

Generally speaking, customers won't convert on their first visit. Therefore, the first visit will lead them to a diversity of new sources which will impact the customer online purchase.
Your site visitors may click a display ad, perform an organic search, see a blog post or review or find an affiliate link. The new Customer Journey tool lets you interactively explore the typical online buying behavior of your site’s visitors and see how different marketing interactions affect your sales and conversions.

jeudi 12 janvier 2017


Amazon Go retail experience

Thanks to digital innovations, Amazon just launched a new type of purchasing
Indeed, thanks to a geo-localisation system, a powerful software linked to each product inside a store is able to know your position and your product selection that you will probably buy.

This new technology is much more easier, faster and very personalized. The main idea is to propose a new way to shop for customers where they don't have to wait at the cashier. Actually, customers are just entering into the store as they are check-in into a Hotel, then they are taking what they want as products and finally they are just walking out the store. At the end, the customer is directly charged on its Amazon account.
Everything is connected from the purchase to the payment methods and don't need any human interactions. In fact, the customer just needs to scan his mobile phone on an electronic tablet at the beginning and when he walk out the store he has to do the same to obtain the list of its purchases including the bill linked to the credit card charged on its account

How might it affect the hospitality industry? Give 3 examples

Generally speaking, the hospitality industry has already to face the appearance of digital. Currently, a lot of innovations have direct impacts on customer's way of life.
As a majority of people is using smartphones nowadays in order to purchase a product or a services, each industry need to adapt and answer to their expectations.

First of all, customers are now able to use the online check-in and it is seen as a very positive impact on the hospitality industry. Indeed, it is a gain of time to not follow the initial check-in process.
When a guest is arriving into an hotel, he just has to check on his account if the room is ready and its number and he can directly go inside.
Moreover, sometimes there is also a keyless entry system which enable the guest to open the door with his mobile phone such as Sherlock for the company Onefinestay.
Then, at the end of his stay, there is also the fast check-out system where the guest can leave the hotel without passing by the front office. Finally, he will receive his bill by email very quickly after.
This is pretty much the same process as Amazon Go when a customers is entering a store, choose products and leave without any contact.

The second impact can be regarding the communication. It is true that more and more people are looking at their phones to solve problems or to ask for advices and help.
Due to all these new technologies, there is no more human contact or interaction with others.
For some hotels, it could be possible to remove their employees and replace them by digital screens as it is the same for Amazon Go where customers don't need to pass by cashier.
However, I am not sure that this strategy could be apply for each type of hotels.
It could be relevant for small hotels where guests are going because of the price but for luxury places it is not conceivable to remove the human contact which is one of the most important sign of quality.

Finally, the last impact is linked to the geo-localisation system. In fact, this option is already existing in some hotels. For instance, when a guest is taking something out the minibar, there is a sort of detector which is linked to the Front Office which warned that the guest is taking alcohol or water. Thanks to this system, the reception is directly inform about the purchase and don't have to check at the end of the guest's stay.
For AmazonGo, it is the same system because the customer is geo-localised inside the store and when he is selecting a product, it is direcly register on his account.

To conclude, the different strategies applied by AmazonGo have already affect the Hospitality Industry. Nevertheless, hotels have to take in consideration human interactions which is also a positive thing for a part of people. Human contact, high service delivery have nowadays proved their success and are contributing to some hospitality values.
Digital seems to be very present and continues to grow which can be quite scary.